Generating ideas about the future of Adelaide’s north
The expansion of health care and the construction industry as well as an innovative food manufacturing hub are among the major proposals contained in a State Government Directions Paper aimed at guiding debate on the future of Adelaide’s north.
The paper is the next stage in the development of an economic plan to ensure northern Adelaide has a sustainable future after the closure of Holden’s Elizabeth plant in 2017.
Automotive Transformation Minister Kyam Maher said the Directions Paper would be the centrepiece of a comprehensive community consultation process, set to begin soon.
“The paper aims to raise awareness across the community about the challenges we face once Holden closes, and the opportunities for northern Adelaide,” he said.
“We want this paper to create informed debate about the future direction for northern Adelaide, and we want to hear from industry and the community about their views of the future, as well as their key issues and priorities.
“Feedback on the Directions Paper will be crucial to finalising the economic plan, which will ultimately seek to lay out a road map for creating new jobs and up-skilling workers in Adelaide’s north in growing industries such as food manufacturing and defence.”
A Community Leaders Group – including Minister Maher, industry representatives, and the Mayors of the Cities of Playford, Salisbury, and Port Adelaide Enfield – has been established to guide the consultation process.
Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Minister Leon Bignell said the state-of-the-art Industrial Food Park would help the sector.
“We know for the past 17 years the food manufacturing industry has seen year on year growth,” Mr Bignell said.
“Not many industries can claim that sort of growth and we believe there is potential to create even more jobs and drive more business in a sector we are world-class at.
“We have premium food and wine produced from our clean environment. Food manufacturers help the state value add to the raw materials so we can sell our produce around the country and the world.
“Businesses which share locations have the potential to share branding, marketing and even labour to address seasonal needs and training.
“Demand for, and development of, an industrial food park would be driven by industry. There’s great potential for the Food Park to deliver massive ongoing benefits.”
The State Government is looking for a large area – at least 40 hectares – so preliminary plans can get underway.
Produce will not be grown on the Food Park site.
The Request for Information (RFI) land evaluation process is being led by the Economic Development Board, which will undertake assessment of the submissions.
Source: News Release, Property Council of Australia, 29 May, 2015